It never ceases to amaze me the opportunities I am afforded because of Instagram and specifically because of my involvement with @Minnstameets. This week, along with 9 other Instagrammers, I got an up-close and personal look at Target Field with the Minnesota Twins and staff photographer, Brace Hemmelgarn. Over the course of two days, we toured the stadium, observed batting practice FROM THE FIELD, and watched the games. We experienced torrential rans, blazing sun, epic clouds, and lovely golden light. The stadium also provided symmetry, leading lines, and skyline views.
Here are some of my favorite shots I took during the two-day Instameet. To see the other photographers' images, check out the hashtag: #Twinstameet. And stay tuned to @Minnstameets this summer for your own chance to win this very cool opportunity!
( c l i c k t o e n l a r g e )