Personal Work

Minnesota Lake Life

This week in a special Citinerary, "Weekend Explorer" piece, I shared some photos from our family vacation to the Brainerd Lakes area and I attempted to describe (to the journal's international readers) just what makes cabin country/up north/lake life so special. 

Check out the journal article here and see some of the photos from it below.

Skills Workshop x The Yarnery

On an unseasonably warm and sunny day in late March, a handful of other photographers and I closed all of the shades to shut out natural light and instead got out strobes and speed lights...

My friend, Eric Mueller, and I - sensing a growing desire among our photog friends to hone our technical skills - organized a tabletop lighting workshop at the delight St. Paul store, The Yarnery. Led by the talented Andy Swarbrick, we learned about and practiced with artificial lighting setups using gorgeous yarn as product. 


Like a chain letter or a game of tag, a Black & White five-shot challenge has recently been making its way across Instagram land. I was tagged by a friend to participate and my first thought was, "fuck. I never do BW" and then, "I wonder if he'll notice if I just ignore this." I've always really admired black and white photographs though, so just for the heck of it, I dug into my archives and found a few shots that looked remarkably good in black and white. Better, even. And I soon realized my tendency - that I'm always kicking myself for - of chasing harsh light, lent itself really well to a monochromatic edit. So I accepted the challenge and actually ended up posting six shots, the latter two of which I intentionally shot with a BW edit in mind. It proved to be an incredibly valuable exercise and way to challenge myself.

Home is Where the Lake and Rivers Are

It's no secret that I love Minneapolis. And Minnesota. And the Midwest in general. I was honored when Modern Midwest - a website devoted to celebrating "modern living, Midwest-style" - asked me to compile a set of photos showing off my home state. I selected the theme "Land of Sky-Blue Water," (crossed my fingers that Hamm's Beer hadn't trademarked that phrase), and then chose nine photos highlighting Minnesota's beautiful lakes and rivers. Check out the H2O-centric feature here:

My Modern Midwest: Minnesota, The Land of Sky-Blue Water